Landlords renting a property in either England or Wales may be required to obtain a licence in order to let their property.
Whether a licence is required depends on what licensing scheme has been designated by the relevant council or local authority.
Broadly speaking:
- Large Houses in Multiple Occupation will always require a licence.
- Smaller Houses in Multiple Occupation will require a licence if the local authority has implemented an ‘Additional’ licensing scheme.
- Other properties, regardless of size, will require a licence if the local authority has implemented a ‘Selective’ licensing scheme.
It is really important that you visit your local authority’s website to check what licensing scheme applies to the area where your property is located and ensure you have a licence if your tenancy falls within scope.
Information on this site is by way of general guidance only and may not apply in your particular circumstances. You should not act or refrain from acting upon information on this site without seeking independent legal advice.