If you are currently in Rent Now at at the referencing stage you may have noticed your tenant may have entered a co-tenant's or guarantor's details in to their application incorrectly, and one person is showing as a guarantor when they shouldn't be or vice versa!
Don't worry, you can make this change easily on your dashboard to ensure they are referenced or shown on the contract correctly.
1. Log on to your account and go to 'My Tenancies'
2. Click to 'Modify / Add References'
3. Check / Un-check the 'Is Guarantor' box
Once you do this, our referencing partners will be notified automatically of the change, and when you proceed to the contract it will show the relevant person under the correct status of a guarantor or a co-tenant.
What happens if the referencing has already completed?
Unfortunately if referencing has already completed and the person has been referenced under the wrong status you will need to email us to reset the report. Once we do this we will change the status manually and our referencing partners can amend the report and send you a new one.
- Can I rent to someone that has failed referencing?