Our system is using TrueLayer to allow applicants to verify their income by connecting their bank account using Open Banking. This grants us secure, one-time, read-only access to your bank account for the sole purpose of verifying your income.
We do not look at other transactions or share these with the landlord, nor do we receive access to your bank’s login details.
When you connect your account, we will show you a list of your incoming transactions - you will need to select the transactions that match your income so that we can verify them.
Using Open Banking is a better way of verifying a person’s income than other methods, such as contacting referees or providing bank statements, as these are significantly slower, less secure and more intrusive. That said, you are welcome to opt out of using Open Banking if you strongly prefer not to verify your income in this manner.
If you opt out, we will complete your reference using the information available to us (such as your employment referee). Be aware that we cannot accept copies of documents, such as bank statements or employment contracts, but you are welcome to provide these to the landlord directly if you wish.