Within Rent Now, you can change the contract both before and after it's been signed. This article details how you can edit the contract before signing.
Landlords can also change the contract after it's been signed, up to a day after the contractual move in date.
The most common reason landlords will do this is where the landlord and tenants agree a change to the move-in date after the contract has been signed. It's possible to make other changes as well though.
First, just select the relevant tenancy here and click Change Contract on the tenancy management page, you'll be able to inform the tenants of your reasons for resetting the contract and making the amendments.
Once the tenant agrees to the change, the contract will go back to the contract signing stage of Rent Now. You can then click Edit Contract to make changes to the contract.
When the changes have been made, tenants will be notified and asked to re-sign.