If you have a problem with your tenancy, you can report this to your landlord using our Issue Reporting tool.
It is important to report issues to your landlord when they arise so that your landlord can take action to resolve them.
To report an issue, click ‘Manage’, then select ‘Tenancies’ and then 'My Tenancies'.
On the page that appears, select ‘View Tenancy’ next to the relevant tenancy, then ‘Report Issue’:
When you do so, a page will appear with a series of categories on it. From this page, select the relevant issue category and sub category. There is also a search bar if you need to look up issues.
Subcategories (Bathroom and Toilet):
You will then be able to write a description of the issue and upload photos that clearly show the problem.
Submitting the report will notify your landlord of the issue via email.
You can see your reported issues on your Issue Dashboard. This provides a useful record of issues reported during the tenancy.